LNB switch for multiband VSAT OTRX7-750/850.
The LNB Switch Box is a standalone unit that can be monitored and controlled via RS-422 or LAN. It is powered by the +24VDC power supply (same as the ACU). This unit supports:
- LNB Switch selects one out of four LNB units (such as in C-Ka Band Feed – C, Ka-LHCP, Ka-RHCP)
- LNB Voltage Power supply (including 22KHz Tone control)
- TTL discrete lines for controlling the Tx WG Switch for Ka-Band
LNB-Switch Box Ports:
- 1 / 2 / 3 / 4: SMA, Female (50ohm) Switch Ports 950-2150MHz With 10Mhz & DC Block
- COM: SMA, Female (50ohm) Up-Link (Tx Port) 950-1950MHz With 10Mhz & DC Block COM High Density D-Type, 15Pins RS-422 M&C, TTL Inputs and Outputs
- LAN: RJ45, Female Ethernet
- DC: Circular Connector DC Power
- Operation Frequencies: 10, 950-2150 MHz (L-Band)
- Insertion Loss: < 1.2 dB
- Level Balancing: ±0.5dB
P/N for orders: OTRX-LNBSW-001-SP (SP Ocean TRx LNB SWITCH UNIT)